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Musings of a Black Girl
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"Code Switch"
As I was scrolling through Facebook today I saw a video about code switching. Now, I know what it means to code switch and its necessity...
So...what's all this?
Last week I was at the doctor's office because my throat hurt. Turns out I have strep throat. As the doctor came in to do my check-up,...
I'm a hateful person...
Have you ever looked at someone and thought how on earth have THEY received "X" and I haven't? It sucks in the most horrible way;...
Being human versus being human
Last night I had a dream where everything was there same. The children went to school and acted normal enough until the bell rang. Then...
Four Skinny Trees
Back in undergrad I had my first exposure to Women's Studies curriculum. I mean, it made sense...I was attending a college primarily for...
Talkers talk and I... just sit there
If you surround yourself with talkers, you never have to. Just listen to what they say and parrot back to them what they want to hear. I...
The best writing is writing what you know.
A few days ago, I had a friend read my blog. The first thing they said was, "Can you write something hopeful?" The thing is, I'm always...
Dear World, SHUT UP: A lesson in listening
It's really cool to live in a time where information is literally at your finger tips. Cellphones, tables, laptops, table tops, google...
Welcome to Continuous Traumatic Stress
I was going through my Facebook news feed the other day when an article came up from The Root. The title of the article was, "Teacher...
Favorite Part of the Night
I know, this is weird. But I like the small things in life. For example, I have a little doggy. He is such a spoiled little pup. He...
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