Dear World, SHUT UP: A lesson in listening
It's really cool to live in a time where information is literally at your finger tips. Cellphones, tables, laptops, table tops, google notifications, text messages, Groupme, Marco-polo, wiki's and of course blogs; at no time in world history has it been easier to obtain and disseminate information. But in all this knowledge that's floating around invisible clouds and streaming in our ears have we forgotten to just be still and listen.
Most of us hear to respond. We only hear enough so that we can form an opinion and share that with the world. My dad used to say, "everyone has a right to my opinion." And opinions come in all shapes and sizes. I am not one to quote the bible on things, but I ran across something today that really resonated with this idea of NOT listening. Proverbs 18:2 "Fools find no pleasure in understanding but delight in airing their own opinions.
I find the most nuanced understanding of others and their feelings is in the act of being quiet and listening. Being "all there" and really trying to understand the person from their point of view. Because if you listen really well, you can hear what's not said too. Let me give you an example.
Picture it. Sicily, 1942... just kidding.... (I love the Golden Girls)
A child comes up to you while you're sitting in Starbucks drinking your coffee alone. They ask, "How much money do you have?" "How old are you?" "What are you doing?" "Why are you sitting by yourself?" A person who hears only thinks this brat is all up in your business and should be taught to learn to shut up. However, if you speak with the child and answer their questions (all except the money thing... that's rude) you get to learn that the child is simply trying to make friends with you. That's how children make friends. When we listen to understand, differences can be overcome and goals can be achieved.