The man...

Not sure why finding love is so difficult to find. It seems as though the thought today is that women are looking for paychecks instead of relationships. I get that. I understand that. I have a favorite meme that says, "I just want two incomes and to live alone." I laugh and like and carry on like that's something you strive for but really i don't think people want that (maybe unless you're an extreme introvert). Humans, like dogs, need people. We are a community of individuals who need some sort of social interaction. This is also why criminals placed in the hole too long go crazy. So, because you cannot find what you're not looking for, I am putting it out there....
This is what I am looking for:
Someone who will tell me the truth
Someone who respects me, my opinions, and my desires Someone who genuinely has my back no matter what happens
Someone who is willing to listen to what I have to say even if it is an emotionally driven rant that makes absolutely zero sense.
I want a guy who shows up to all that life has to offer and shows up for me when I've forgotten who I am. I want a guy who is proud to have all of me and my disfunction on his arm.
I want a guy who can apologize for the things he did wrong.
I want a guy who practices empathy and sympathy for the people he interacts with.
I do not think this list is too audacious. It doesn't not talk about height, weight or ethnicity. It mostly talks about personality. Personality is who you fall in love with. You can learn to love anyone if the characteristics of who that person is fit what your needs are. (This is why beautiful women marry ugly men.)
Just putting this out in the universe...
Please feel free to contact me if you find this person (AND he's not already married or otherwise attached to another individual).