"White People are the Worst"
Before you get your panties in a wad, let me just tell you that this is a direct quote from SEVERAL of my White friends!
Most of my Caucasian friends are what Black people would consider "woke." They know Black authors, they study the Black experience, they understand their White Privilege, they work against White Privilege and most of all; they know the White fragility (and tears) that comes with American Whiteness.
They understand that most everything good that has come in this country were on the backs of colored people. Native Americans, African Americans, Jewish Americans, Latinx Americans, Asian Americans... all us colored people have had the intelligence, fortitude to work in the most horrific states, and create the most-bestest wonderful things. Let's face it; "necessity is the mother of invention." And we've invented EVERYTHING! (okay, not everything...but you know what I mean.)
These friends absolutely do their best to ensure equity for all and understand the biases and out right hatred this world has to offer. I really appreciate these friends of mine. I just hope they know it.