
The definition of consent is:
1. permission for something to happen or agreement to do something.
"no change may be made without the consent of all the partners"
synonyms: agreement, assent, acceptance, approval, approbation;
or to
1. give permission for something to happen.
"he consented to a search by a detective"
synonyms: agree to, assent to, yield to, give in to, submit to;
I am not sure what my face says that gives people (both men and women) the permission to strip off all their clothes in front of me when I definitely didn't give consent. I am very happy that you are proud of what your mother gave you.... but I don't necessarily want to see it. Plopping out a breast to feed your child? I have ZERO issues with this. I have 100% issues for unsolicited pictures/videos/or in person views of your members and other personal accoutrements. I'm just saying... please ask first. Everyone will appreciate it better.