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Doormat confessions

Recently I took a Facebook quiz. While I know these quizzes are nothing but a way to read all the things you follow and post and like or friend, it was very interesting to see my results to the "What is your gift from God according to your birthday" quiz. My results said that I was given the "heart of gold on the day you were born. You are a very sensitive person. It's not that easy being you! You carry a lot of responsibility and play an important role in other peoples' lives.You're often under a lot of pressure, but you are strong and can bear the burden on your shoulders. Never forget how valuable you are."

Each and every week I am responsible for more and more people that I have time for... and I am getting tired. But then I think, who will take up the mantle if I do not? I have an elderly friend who has no one else to help her survive the day, do I stop helping her? My neighbor had a stroke and is in the hospital. Her dog still needs to get let out and taken care of, do I let that go? I still need to finish this stupid dissertation, I've spent so much money, can I let that alone? My job has literally hundreds of students counting on me to help them reach their dreams, do I turn my back on them? My office needs leadership and direction, do I just sit on the sidelines? My community has issues that need to be addresses for the betterment of us all, do I turn my back on those too? Now, don't get me wrong...I love doing for each and everyone of these different sets of people. I just wish they would need me one at a time and not all the time.

I often feel like this picture. I often feel like I am the doormat that people wipe their dirty shoes on so they can enter the blessings of my care. I have learned to cut some people off who are nothing more that users. But there are too many people who are legitimately in need that I find it difficult to turn my back to. I keep feeling like I have been blessed beyond measure, how can I say no to this; even if I don't want to. So, for a few moments I start repeating this picture, "I will not be a doormat..." and ineveitably I become one anyway.

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