Go on vacation
Wouldn't it be nice to go on vacation? But who has the money for all that? I've got the time. Even when I am off work, the office still calls, texts, emails, sends smoke signals and does every other way to communicate with me when I am not in the office. It doesn't matter if I am there or not, I am still handling business.
But I think vacations are also overrated in the fact that once you return from work, there is so much work piled up on your desk that you send up spending the amount of hours you were on vacation in overtime just to get caught up again. It doesn't seem to balance out. And before you say anything, yes, I do know how to delegate my work. Unfortunately so does everyone else and they usually delegate it to me (whether I am there or not). I was tasked with doing a new project that is completely out of my normal skill set. So, I called different departments to see how they handle such issues. One department called me back and asked why I was doing what I was doing. My answer.... because my boss told me too... (please trust and believe i would not be doing this on my own accord.)
And driving back to work today from lunch I received a speeding ticket. There goes more money I don't have.... We all know that women earn about 79.6 cents per male earnings of a dollar. But that is an average of all women. It is far worse for women of color. For every dollar a white man earns, Black women earn 63 cents and Hispanic women earn 54 cents. White women earn 80 cents per WASP (white, Anglo-Saxon, protestant male).
I got so many bills, for vacation, I get to go to work. I am among the working poor. Even with being 12 credit hours away from having a doctorate. sigh.