Sweet Sleep
I have been burning the candle at both ends lately... Sleep at 1:00 am and up again at 6:00 and doing it again and again for at least the past 4 weeks.
Today I had enough. I had the opportunity to rest on Sunday and I took it. I slept twelve hours. Not all at one time, but throughout the day I just slept and slept and slept.
It was the greatest feeling ever. I woke up and I did not feel tired, I did not have that hazy hangover feeling. I actually felt good. I looked at my fitbit and realized I had not slept over 7 hours in a night since the beginning of August. August 3rd to be exact. There are so many things to do and so little time to do them. But know this, my friends, lack of sleep is not good either. The things you need to do will still be there for you tomorrow. Get your rest. You'll be more productive.
You need time to processes and generate new ideas and new ways of thinking about things. Give yourself the time to rest, the time to process; the time to be. All those other things will get done eventually. But they will not get completed well if you are not well rested. You cannot give all of you if you're not all there. So grab that favorite animal of yours (human, stuffed or otherwise) and head to the bed to dream.