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So, What's Wrong With You Anyway?

This is the dreaded questions I face every time I meet someone new online. They think I am a cool person, they think I'm funny, they think I'm too good to be true.

They cannot figure out how someone like me has never been married before. I say it's because I look so young and that is true. I say its because of school/work and I just don't go out. That is true too. But I feel as though there is more to that story that I want to admit and I am not sure how to tell people that my face is pretty, but I am not.

See previous post, "That look of disappointment"

When do you tell a person you have scoliosis and that it deforms you? Your spine and hips do not always travel the same path. Your breathing is shortened and your lungs conspire against you on a daily basis. This is your life, you were literally born like this and there is nothing anyone can do about it. Then the questions of biology and reproduction come... and what do you say?

So, what's wrong with me?

Nothing...but everyone else seems to think so.

And then I push away from this potential because the fear of that look of disappointment; it keeps you me all night long.

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