Good Television
Now, I don't watch regular television on any basis. It all just seems stupid to me. But when I did, I had a favorite television program I HAD to watch every week. I planned activities around it. I planned homework around it. I planned conversations with friends around the schedule of the show. It has since gone off the air and I tell you I cried. The last scene was just so impactful with the main character telling everyone goodbye. That he loved them and that true friendship meant doing things like sacrificing yourself for their best interest. I felt every second of it and when the last scene faded from the screen, I too felt lost and unsure what to do next. Just like one of the characters. How do you say goodbye to a friend whose been with you in literally the worst days of your life? How do you say goodbye to the laughter? How do you say goodbye when their leaving meant their death and that death was so that you could live? The show 24 was all that for me. Jack was not a character on TV he was a friend. He is one you could call on at your worst and help you through EVERYTHING (and all within 24 hours too!). He was that dude.
So, recently on Fundago I saw the newer version of 24 with the black guy as the new Jack. I've been hesitant to watch it because there is no one who could replace Jack. It was like dating someone new after your spouse died. How could you betray that relationship with someone new??? Well, Fundango had the whole first season streamable for $5.00. I've watched the first two episodes and those same feelings of excitement, terror, fear and anxiousness has come back in the only way 24 knows how to do. So while there is a new Jack in town, some things remain the same.
The point of the story is: try something new. Because you tried it does not mean you've forgotten or betrayed the other. It means you've expanded.
TTFN (Ta-ta for now)