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Imagination Station

D.L. Hughley said on The View, this year that, "the most dangerous place for a Black person to be is in the imagination of White people. When the cops go looking for a mass murderer, they find him and knowing he has a gun capture him alive. But (cops) shoot black people who might have a gun."

This is indicative of the stereotype that all Black people are dangerous. I can come to no other conclusion. Black people are so scary that looking at them will cause you harm.

Recently I had a (white) friend need to go to the emergency room. She has recently had surgery and had an accident in her home which made her unable to walk. I needed to get her to the hospital to find out what was wrong. Turns out she had broken both her legs... The ER doctor, knowing the patient had had both Hydrocodone and Morphine thought it best to release this patient back to her home. With two broken legs, diabetic, and unable to walk. At this point I had been awake since 5:30 am that morning. It was now 11:00 pm. And when the doctor told me she was free to go home, I just started laughing. "No, no... that's not what we're going to do. She lives alone and cannot walk, cannot take her meds and cannot get to food by herself. She is not going home. You better figure it out because going home is not an answer." Now, even in my sleep depravity, I knew I had to be nice about this situation. So when I laughed, I smiled and spoke in my normal tone of voice. But the doctor backed away from me slowly and he never spoke to me again that night. He sent in the Hispanic nurse to talk to me on his behalf. In fact, I never saw him again that night.

Yes, ladies and gentlemen. I scared the white people.

Which, had they been a cop, I could have gotten shot and it would have been my fault. So, how do we stay out of the imaginations of white people???

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