Round and Round
I've got something on my chest that I've been keeping to myself. It is horrible. It shows a lack of compassion. It shows my anger. It shows my numbness.
Everyday Black people are being killed by the hands of white officers and there is no justice. We blame the victim for anything they did or didn't do and we attempt to justify the officers actions. Case after case, year after year, decade after decade. The record never stops. The same tune is played.
So, this past weekend when the white officer was shot in the head. I didn't care. I thought, "finally...someone murders them." I know people who know this family. They poured out how nice and caring he was and how he loved his children and his spouse. He was a great dad and worked very hard to protect the community. But all that went in one ear and out the other. Why? Because Black fathers love their children and their spouses. They are great dads and work very hard to protect the community everyday...and they are still the hands of cops who got paid vacation for it.
This may be horrible.
That's fine.
This may be shocking.
That's fine too.
But I am tired of hearing how great cops are once they die and hearing how bad Blacks are once cops kill them. So one cop got killed.
I'll see you on the next go around. I don't care.