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Lessons 2018

Every year I try and come up with new lessons that I've learned the past year. I like to take these lessons and apply them to the new year with intention. I don't always post these events online. But, since I have this blog, why not share them here.

1. Reach out to others when you're low. This past year has been especially hard for me, emotionally speaking. However, I have learned that there were people who actually care. Reach out to those people. Let them support you when you can't support yourself.

2. Just keep going. There are always going to be obstacles in your way, keep going anyway. Don't like your particular circumstance? Keep moving!

3. Just say no! People will always ask more and more of your time, energy, commitment, talents and gifts than you have to give. Even if you can do a great job, at whatever activity or event. Know your limitations and say no to things and people that will overwhelm you. (Even if it's for a good cause.)

4. Laugh Often. Life is often WAYYYY too serious. Remember to look at the good things in life, the simple things, and laugh at the absurd.

5. The power of word. We can help deal with issues better when we get them off of us. So, write them down. You don't need to send a letter or let anyone see what you've written. But sometimes, it helps not to have to carry that burden anymore. Write it down, get it off your chest and deal with the gravity of the pain or hurt.

6. Speak the truth in love. I often hide my true feelings about issues or people because, well... I'm not really sure. But, we should always speak the truth in love. People deserve the best of us and we do no service to them if we hide behind our feelings and the truth; but love the other and yourself enough to know that your thoughts are valuable.

7. You ARE enough. I often make decisions based on the fear that I am not good enough to either receive the blessings or worthy enough to have the finer things in life. Bump that... people suck. You, who you are right now, are good enough for every good thing. Accept that you are and move on with life.

8. Animals are people too! My dog (and live in crazy cat) are an extension of my family. Don't discount the love and support they bring to the family. They may not talk in a conventional sense, but they are always there when you need them.

9. Turn off social media and the TV. There is too much pain and suffering in the world. Unfortunately it is also broadcast on social media 24/7. Learn to take a break from it, especially if you are more intuitive in nature. You need to reset and purge from the madness of the world.

10. Self-care isn't just for Saturday's. I often work....six days a week and Saturday's are just another day to work. So, take care of yourself, whenever the day comes. It's not just for Saturday's anymore.

Happy New Year. Make 2019 the best year yet.

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