Moving Forward
New Year. New Ideas.
New Paradigms.
New Expectations.
New Goals.
It's the time of the year where we have a natural "reset" button. The beginning of the year. It promises new hopes, new dreams and new experiences but are you still connected to the past? For the past two years (at least) I've stated, "Here's to the new year. I hope I survive it." That's a pretty pessimistic way of thinking about a new year. And if you've been looking at ANY of the news lately, you'll see it is also accurate.
This year is going to be different for me. I'm letting go past hurts and past hopes and I am fully giving into the new year with new goals and new expectations. That means, however, I need to get rid of old goals and old expectations and most importantly fantasies. For the past 12 years I've been holding on to a fantasy so tightly that I could never let anyone else in. That ends now. I am learning that it was only a fantasy and I'm forgiving myself for holding on to that dream so tightly for so long when I was the only one who knew about it but it took two people to accomplish.
I've let that dream go. It's time to move on. It's time to move forward. It's time for the next adventure. And even writing down this decision it feels like I can finally take a deep breath. I am letting the past go. It's past time.
Moving Forward