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When you're old...

Everyone knows I am a helper. It is in my DNA. If there is a way I can help make one life easier, I typically do it. Even if it's not convenient, even if it's time consuming, and even if I get nothing in return, I do to make others lives easier.

The thing is, most times you never get paid back for the things you do. Often times, you are taken advantage of, or treated like "the help." Helping for me doesn't just mean helping the young, or people my age, it means helping the elderly too.

I have a restrictive lung disease that makes breathing on a day to day basis more challenging than it is for most everyone else. But I still help other people. One day, if I make it to old age, I hope there is a me to help me. Someone who doesn't mind the little things I need help with. Someone who doesn't take advantage of me because of my need. I just watched a video of random people helping the elderly. The help went across generations and across genders and across ethnicities. The title of the video is "Be kind to old people because one day you'll be old too." Maybe I will get old one day. I'm not counting on it. But I hope there is someone there to be kind to me becuse I won't have children or grandchildren to rely on.

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